1+1 gallery x Galerija Fotografija, Ljubljana
Lookbook @Lorenzo Capelli
Video @Kinonauts
Lookbook @Riccardo Banfi
Under a different guise
1+1 is a gallery devoted to collectible design, mostly vintage by Italian design masters of the 20th Century. It also promotes contemporary projects that result in exhibitions, editions, curation, advisory and more.
In a business world where there's very little green and very big washing, and all big corportations and e-commerce giants have a sustainability page where they explain how very much they care, it's easy to get confused. At 1+1 we don't want to fool you, but express a few simple principles that are our guidance.

1) No matter how hard you try sell it, making something new requires energy, more or less clean. There is no other way around. The pieces we sell, call them preowned or vintage as you like, they are already existing, and won't have more impact on our planet. Choosing something for your home that it's already part of this world, something that was so well built that it's still in a terrific shape after so many years and it will stay that way, rather something new that very often doesn't match the quality that historical pieces have to offer and won't last as long, it's to us the most sustainable decision possible.

2) Buy less! We don't offer junk furniture at attractive prices, we don't do sales to convince you to buy something you don't need because it's a bargain. Buy just a few things, weight your decision, choose quality and mantain it. As us all the questions you need, we are here to help to see if we have something that's good for you or not.